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平衡身體 PH值的食物

Koo Koon Chung in a radio interview
對平衡身體 PH值有益的食物:
When we were born our bodies were in perfect balance. Everything on the inside and the outside of our bodies worked in conjunction with each other. Over the course of time, however, impurities and imbalance enter into our lives in many ways. One of the most notable ways that we receive these is through the way that we eat and drink.

Most of us are aware of the pH scale but maybe some of use are not aware that it also serves as a balancing system for our body. If things are acidic, they are lacking in living necessities; but if they are alkaline, they support life. If we are leaning towards acidic because of the things that we eat and drink, our body will not support life well. This can show up through a number of different conditions and disease; and this includes skin conditions, such as acne. In order to get rid of this acne, the body must be brought back into balance.

The way that we would do this is by eating foods and drinking drinks that are alkaline in nature and that will help to pull the high acidic level out of the body. There are plenty of places on the Internet where you can download list of different alkaline foods, some of which will probably surprise you. For example, lemons are extremely acidic but whenever we ingest them, they become alkaline. As a matter of fact watermelons and lemons are the top two food to aid in alkaline balance.
Of course, you can not expect to make these changes overnight but if you are consistent in your efforts, you will notice differences in your body, including your complexion. The real key is making sure that you stick with it long enough to recognize these differences; because once you do, you will be sure to stick with it for a lifetime. Make eating alkaline foods and drinking the proper drinks a part of your life and you would be surprised with how quickly your skin and your life will change.

pHion Balancing Programs
The trick is to have healthy, easy options on hand when you’re grabbing a snack or quick meal, if you have healthy options, like apples or nuts, you’ll get a tasty snack with health benefits, instead of foods high in calories and low in nutrition. So, instead of eating foods loaded with calories and lacking in nutrients, add these foods to your daily diet to stay full, feel good, lose weight and get healthy.

Oatmeal is a quick and easy breakfast or snack. Oatmeal has protein, crabs and fiber. It’s simple to make — and cheap! — plus you can add berries or fruit to make it even more nutritious.
Apples are easy to grab and take with you anywhere. An apple is a perfectly portioned serving of fruit, a great source of fiber, inexpensive, loaded with nutrients — and all you have to do is wash them and they’re ready to eat! There’s a reason for the old adage: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Yogurt has calcium for our bones, as well as being a good source of crabs and protein. It comes in individual containers, making it easy to take and eat anywhere. Make sure it says “live active cultures” on the container, which have an added benefit for your digestive tract.
Berries are perfect to add to yogurt, oatmeal, cereal or eaten alone. They are delicious, packed with antioxidants and just need a thorough rinsing to be ready to eat.
Spinach is a super food that’s loaded with minerals, vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants. You can mix it into a salad or top a sandwich with it for added health benefits.
Beans are a great source of fiber and protein. Eating beans with brown rice makes for a complete low-cost vegetarian protein source.

When water gets boring, it’s tea to the rescue. It’s loaded with antioxidants, calorie-free and can be enjoyed anywhere. Get it with or without caffeine.
Nuts have heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and vitamin E, and studies have shown nuts help to prevent heart disease and cancer. Grabbing a handful of nuts is a great way to snack on the go.

These foods are great to eat every day, but you can get too much of a good thing. Eat proper portions to make sure you’re not getting excess calories. Just because something is healthy doesn’t mean it’s calorie free.
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